Women & Wealth

Women are making remarkable changes in their homes, workplaces and in their communities. But women are still at disadvantages when it comes to wealth wellness.

The greatest regret of women is ‘not investing more‘. In investing, women are less active compared to men, though 84% understand that knowing about finances is more beneficial for better career growth.

That doesn’t say that all women are like the same, inactive in financial knowledge and its applications. Only one in four women of 18 and older, not planned at all for her future financial wellness. The cites say, what is holding women back in investing ? The answer is lack of knowledge. Women don’t invest due to not having much confidence and knowledge. 

Nowadays, though, women are having more confidence to complete many financial tasks. They are not remarkably so, when it comes to investing their money ( 52% of women are confident compared to 68% of men ). It has been seen in a survey, 61% of women would prefer to talk about their death rather than invest money. 

Older women are more likely to be confident in investing rather than middle aged women.It signifies a cross-generational mentorship.Though half of the financial industry’s clients are female, but 70% of media report that financial services industry cares for men.

Especially true for women, the average lifespan of women is 5 years longer than men.The problem is that needing security for the longer lifespan of women doubles as they want to retire earlier.A very few women have put aside for their retirement. As women live longer means, they need to save for their medical expenses. 

Women have come up a long way in personal and also in professional, but stay behind in financial decisions. So what can women help to achieve financial wellness ? The major recommendations are : 

1) Plan early and invest steadily,

2) Focus on long term into an asset, 

3) Get knowledge of challenges which affects women, 

4) Break the wrong notions of money talks

 In nutshell, women can take control of their money investing ideas through talking with friends, professionals, and meteors etc. Proper financial planning advice from professionals will lead their future financial life easy and enjoyable.

I hope all women readers including others would be enlightened through this information. And I assure you to come up with many personal finance blogs for you soon. For any assistance in making Women Retirement Planning, please contact our team PLENTYSURE  (www.plentysure.com). Just click the Link and BUY easily https://agents.ethoslife.com/invite/d902e

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Why are women not advanced in finances ? Do comment.

Thank You,


Jyoti Prakash Nayak, B.Sc MBA BA CFP


E: moneygrains.invest@gmail.com / WhatsApp: +91 8792238909

Web: www.moneygrainsexports.com

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