How does the Stock market work ?

The investing stock market scares everybody, not only to you. Those who have little financial knowledge are either horrified by losing a great chunk of their portfolio or overwhelmed by hot tips to make more money. Either ‘Greed’ or ‘Fear’, anyone must be present in the stock market, it moves one to another.

Endowment Plan VS Term Plan

Term insurance is an insurance product which offers life the insured. An Endowment plan is an insurance product consisting of both life coverage and investment. It is good to have insurance coverage, which protects your family’s financial loss in your absence.

Why Ethos ?

There is a 100% online process for buying. Instead of visiting Doctors and Path Labs for Medical Exams or Blood Test, just some health questions will give solutions. It gives you a policy in minutes rather than what traditionally took weeks of waiting. The reason you bought the insurance is your first priority.

How NFT Works

An NFT is a digital asset, which represents real objects like music, art,videos,game items etc.It is easily bought and sold online in Cryptocurrency..NFTs encoded with similar crypto software.It exists on blockchain technology which is a distributed public ledger that records various transactions.

Employment Insurance

In Canada, there is an unemployment insurance program, called Employment Insurance. It provides individuals, a temporary financial assistance, who recently lost their jobs. Employment Insurance available for individuals who are seriously ill family members or caring for young children.


Decentralized Finance is a Financial technology used by cryptocurrency. This is based on a secure distributed ledger. This system doesn’t come under control of any Bank, financial institutions etc.

5 Benefits of Money Back Plan

Investing in Fixed Deposits for a long term basis is good but if someone needs it in the mid term of the maturity, what will you do ? Here the Money-Back policy will help you a lot. As the name suggests, the payouts come periodically on a regular basis. At maturity, you may get the lump sum amount. A Money-Back plan gives you a solution of liquidity.

Mutual Fund vs ETF

There are many common things you can find in Mutual Funds and ETFs. It gives a good diversification opportunity to invest from both Mutual Funds and ETFs as they consist of many different assets. Though they are having similarities, they are having many differences. The major difference is ETFs can be traded on Intraday but Mutual Funds can be purchased at the end of each trading day only.

7 Possible Risks of Personal Loan

In daily financial life, nobody knows when you need to borrow money to pay certain items as your current cash level just may not cover it. This can be financing your large item like any medical emergency or paying off any credit card debt. it’s a situation , you should make a loan and also many financial institutions are there to provide it.So it can be an unsecured personal loan.